End of Life & End of Service Explained

Learning that a system in your facility is reaching its "End of Life" or "End of Service" from the manufacturer can seem scary but don't fret! We're here to answer all of your questions.


What Does "End of Service" Mean?

End of Service (EOS) indicates your imaging system's original manufacturer is no longer offering service support for your system. 

Many third-party companies, including Block Imaging, offer service contracts to support these systems.

What Does "End Of Life" Mean?

According to the International Medical Device Regulators Forum (IMDRF), which is supported by the FDA, “End of Life” (EOL) indicates the life cycle stage of a product starting when the manufacturer no longer sells the product.

When you receive an EOL/EOS letter, it might lead you to believe it's time for a system upgrade. Most of the time, it's not necessary.
Many third-party companies, including Block Imaging, can support these systems.

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